About Me

I’m Kelly Brown your Health & Fitness specialist

Hi, my name is Kelly Brown. I was born in New Jersey in 1988. I always had aspirations to be muscular. I loved bodybuilding, wrestling and superhero cartoons as a kid.


I moved to Georgia during high school. During those years, I played a lot of basketball, so even though I was athletic, I wasn’t the most muscular guy since I hadn’t started lifting weights yet. I trained a lot for basketball so I used to do a lot of Calisthenics (pushups, pull-ups, dips).

In 2010, I got a job at a local gym selling memberships and personal training.  At the time, I probably weighed around 175 lbs. So wanting to learn as much as I could, I asked the personal trainers there to show me how to build muscle. I soaked everything up that they taught me and eventually got to 195lbs.


A few years later, I decided to compete in a natural  bodybuilding competition. After competing in several shows,  I was eventually able to win my pro card!

Now I share my knowledge by creating content to help others along their journey!